Lil Scrappy

Lil Scrappy


Unique & Eccentric Crystal Tray With Shungite, Serpentine & Green Moss Agate.

Serpentine opens new pathways for the Kundalini energy.  It aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration.  Serpentine assists the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives.  It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities.  Serpentine assists the conscious direction of healing energy toward problem areas.  It corrects mental and emotional imbalances, helping you to feel more in control of your life.

Serpentine treats diabetes and hypoglycemia.  It eliminates parasites within the body, and aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium.  Serpentine is extremely cleansing and detoxifying for the body and blood.

Shungite is a rare, carbon-based, noncrystalline rock that comes from the Karelia area of Russia, in a village called Shun’ga, from where it got its name. This unique, black mineral may have dated as far back as two billion years ago. It contains fullerenes, which are molecules composed almost entirely of carbon.

Shungite, which looks similar to coal, has the ability of conducting electromagnetic and geothermal energy, and yet absorbs and shields the body from electromagnetic emissions such as those caused by computers, microwaves, Wi-Fi and the like.  Shungite can also absorb negative energy and remove it from a person or even an entire space. It will replace stress and negative emotions into positive energy, while at the same time keeping the user grounded and protected.

Not only does Shungite remove negativity, but will also rid the body of pollutants, bacteria, viruses and free radicals. Use Shungite to detoxify the body, bolster the immune system and relieve pain and inflammation. It can ease headaches and insomnia. Shungite helps with a variety of issues and ailments, from asthma and arthritis to chronic fatigue syndrome, pancreatic conditions and cardiovascular disease.  

Shungite is a hard-working, no-nonsense mineral. It needs to be recharged and cleansed on a regular basis in order to continue its work.

Moss Agate brings peace and stability to the emotional body. It is especially helpful to those who experience extreme mood swings and those addicted to emotional drama in their lives. It soothes volatile tempers and promotes patience, wholeness, and inner calm. 

Moss Agate releases deep-seated fear and stresses, expanding one's personal space and growth. It stimulates a good self-image and strengthens positive personality traits, including the ability to get along with others. An optimistic stone, Moss Agate is helpful for those suffering from difficult life circumstances, depression or brain imbalances to find hope and trust, and to keep trying.

Moss Agate is a stone of wealth, attracting abundance in all forms. In the workplace, it draws new business and gradual expansion, increasing prosperity over time. It is good for small businesses and the self-employed, and a fortifying crystal for financial institutions. Keep one near when working on tax returns, spread sheets or figures that will not add up, and one with bank papers to encourage savings.

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